
9 More Charities Serving Oakland County MI That Need Your Help!

Grace Centers of Hope Grace Is Oakland County’s oldest and largest homeless shelter providing hope and help since 1942. Today, Grace Centers of Hope is considered one of the leading faith-based organizations in Southeastern Michigan daily confronting issues of homelessness, addiction, poverty and spiritual emptiness. On any given night, Grace Centers of Hope will accommodate between 150-200 men, women and children. Each year we serve over 127,000 meals and provide over 55,000 nights of stay. http://www.gracecentersofhope.org/

Habitat for Humanity Detroit Habitat for Humanity Detroit, in partnership with God and families in need of adequate housing, brings together people from all walks of life to revitalize Detroit neighborhoods through the construction of decent affordable homes. Since 1986, Habitat for Humanity Detroit has helped to house over 220 families in the city of Detroit. http://www.habitatdetroit.org/

Leader Dogs for the Blind Founded by three Detroit area Lions Clubs members in 1939, Leader Dogs for the Blind provides dog guides to people who are blind and visually impaired to enhance their mobility, independence and quality of life. Each year, over 270 students attend our 26-day residential training program to be paired with a dog guide. This is a life-changing event that opens the doors to independence, safety and self-worth for many of our students. Leader Dog is recognized as a “Best In America” Charity by the Independent Charities of America (ICA). http://www.leaderdog.org/

Make-A-Wish Foundation of Michigan Since 1984, the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Michigan has granted wishes to over 5,600 special children in Michigan. Of each dollar spent in FY 2007, more than 80 cents went directly to granting wishes for children with life-threatening medical conditions. Funding comes from individual contributors, special events, corporate donations and sponsorships, foundation grants, workplace giving programs and planned gifts. These wishes would not be realized without the dedication and support of the volunteers, donors, and staff. www.wishmich.org/

Salvation Army The Salvation Army red kettle’s impact extends far beyond the holiday season-changing lives, one at a time, every day, all year long. The scope of The Salvation Army’s influence is vast, touching nearly every segment of society and providing help, hope, and healing for those who come within its sphere. It is at work in more than 113 countries around the world. And although programs vary from country to country and community to community to help people most effectively http://www.usc.salvationarmy.org/usc/www_usc_emi.nsf

Volunteers of America One night in a shelter can provide comfort and security, but one night won't end a man's homelessness. Solving the problem that makes him homeless will. Volunteers of America helps people change their lives for the better. Volunteers of America is unique among humanitarian organizations in that we provide both immediate assistance and long-term solutions that benefit individuals and families. They provide wide range of community-based programs and services for people of all ages. http://www.voa.org/

Yad Ezra Yad Ezra (translated from Hebrew it means "helping hand") provides free kosher food, toiletries and household cleaning items to low-income Jewish families in Southeast Michigan. During 1990, Yad Ezra served an average of 250 families every month. Current statistics indicate that we provide an average of 1,600 impoverished families (almost 3,300 individuals) with food, health care items and household goods every month. Yad Ezra will distribute 800,000 pounds of food, toiletries and household goods this year. www.yadezra.org/

Toys for Tots The objectives of Toys for Tots are to help less fortunate children throughout the United States experience the joy of Christmas; to play an active role in the development of one of our nation’s most valuable resources – our children; to unite all members of local communities in a common cause for three months each year during the annual toy collection and distribution campaign; and to contribute to better communities in the future. http://toysfortots.org/

Michigan Human Society Their Mission: To end companion animal homelessness, to provide the highest quality service and compassion to the animals entrusted to their care, and to be a leader in promoting humane values. They receive no government funding and is not a United Way agency & depends on the generosity of individual and corporate supporters to fund their programs and services. http://www.michiganhumane.org/site/PageServer

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