
Worried You Won’t Get A Good Price for Your Home?

What Today’s Buyers Expect

There are a lot of houses on the market, right? Buyers have a lot of choices - then why have I shown buyers 40 to 50 houses before they find the ONE they want? Many buyers today want a deal, we all know that, but they don’t want to buy a house that they have to spend a lot of time fixing up, and guess what, they are willing to pay for that.

There is a serious lack of good properties on the market today. Many buyers do not what to buy a foreclosed home. If your house is updated, clutter free, well maintained with a nice yard, it will sell without languishing on the market for months! (if its priced right)

Selling a home in the current market often means taking what most sellers’ consider a loss (in real dollars or perceived appreciation). Their houses have depreciated it is true, but I have helped sellers upgrade in size or location to houses they normally couldn’t afford in a different market.

Buyers & agents are on the look out for your house if it meets these requirements. So, don’t be afraid to sell in this market, sell now!

interesting article "10 Ways Not to Sell Your House" & turn off buyers!

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